
Thank you for your interest in being featured! We want to share photos of women* scientists working in their version of “laboratory”, whether it’s an actual bench, a regular office, or in the field. We’re interested in how women are doing science, who they are and what their research is about. You can submit your information either by emailing us at, tagging us on social media, or by filling out the form below!

*We welcome all women, cis and trans, as well as people who have a complex gender identity which includes ‘woman’

Note: feel free to submit more than one photo of your lab or work.


E.g. Master's student, research assistant, post-doc, etc
E.g. Name of university, company, organization, etc
Answer this only if you would like us to tag you or your (provided) affiliations in our posts
Have a look through our Home page to see some examples if you're stuck!